What happens to communication when two people don’t talk to each other?

The important part is that communication is happening at all the times whether you like it or not. It is beyond your control. It starts automatically. The communication may be good or bad rich or poor, that is besides the point. There can be complete or incomplete communication. But it takes place for sure. Gestures convey further part of communication. The words convey the minimum in the entire spectrum. Because whatever was to be communicated had already been done so.

Communication takes place whether you desire it or not. Communication takes place at three levels viz.

  1. At the level of body
  2. At the level of gestures
  3. At the level of speech.

The moment you come in contact with other person directly or indirectly, you start communicating with him. The two bodies immediately speak to each other. You have made no gestures so far. Still your body language has communicated to the body language of the other. Both of you start judging each other by the body movements, by the clothes you wear, by the way you walk, you laugh, you move, you sit down, you stand, you enter a place, you leave a place. In all such situations, your body conveys a whole lot of messages.

Without gestures and without speaking a word, you have already judged the other person even if he has not looked at you. It is generally accepted that about 60% communication takes place at this level. Your body conveys a set of electric impulses which connect with electric impulses of the other person or persons around.

The two may or may not be in resonance with each other but they correspond to each other well

You body movements, style of walking, style of laughing, style of sitting, lying down, hand movements say a lot about you. The other person can immediately judge your personality. You also judge other’s personality accordingly. When you are in awareness, true to yourself, in the realm of knowledge, you convey very positive impulses and positive body language. Similarly the otherwise.

Now comes gestures. Without speaking a word, you convey some gestures by way of your hands, movement of face, legs, eyes, facial expressions and other parts of the body. All such gestures convey a lot to the other person.

The specially challenged deaf and dumb people communicate with gestures

Your hands are so important that by their movements alone they convey a better part of communication. It is generally accepted that about 15% communication takes place at the level of gestures. The folk dancers convey the whole story through their dance movements and a large part is conveyed by their eyes. You convey various moods of anger, happiness, courage, fear, love, affection, hatred, cheerfulness through your gestures only.

So, dear friends, communication does take place even without you speaking a word. You should practice to be careful of your body language and gestures as the large part of communication takes place at these levels. The more you are in control of yourself the better communicator you are.

If you would like more information on Corporate Communication training program, please contact: Dr. Naresh Chand Goyal (Ex-Bureaucrat) or email: contact@academyofskillsdevelopment.org link: https://academyofskillsdevelopment.org/contactus/

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Naresh Goyal

Dr. Naresh Chand Goyal – B.Sc., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D (Hons. Causa) – Former Bureaucrat — IRTS (R). Legal and Management Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Meditation & Yoga Enthusiast, International NLP Trainer, An Arbitrator and Life coach. Website links: Academy of Skills Development | Trance Foundation | Renown IAS | YouTube channels: Renown IAS | Skill Development | Trance Foundation

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