Why personality development is so important for students?

Everybody is borne in this world with two hands, two legs and a body and a brain to control the body activities. Each one in his group is provided the similar facilities and opportunities to grow. Yet, some grow to the higher levels and some remain ordinary human beings. It is the personality of the individual which decides which path he should take and which path he has taken. Some people outshine the others. Persona of some people is very attractive like magnet. Their conduct is different. Their behavior is very different. Their habits are apart. When all these traits are available in any person, his destiny improves. The lady luck showers her blessings on him. He is the person unto whom the world looks for results. He is the person unto whom the attraction moves around. His persona is very attractive. People look at him for guidance because he stands apart. He is the centre of attraction. You must have seen that in a family, it is not always the eldest who is the pivot of the family.

Many a times, it is the middle son or the youngest takes family burden on his shoulders. All that depends on the individual personality. Though everyone is borne with the same trait yet some have greater and bigger personality while others don’t.

The good news is that the personality can be developed irrespective of circumstances

You need not be borne in a big family. You may not have received even the top class education. Swami Ramdev was neither borne in a big family nor he received the top class education in his childhood. But today, with his personality he is teaching Yoga to the whole world. The traits can be learnt which help you develop your personality even in the most adverse of circumstances. It is by your deeds, by your actions, by your behavior, by your habits and by your learning capabilities, you can develop your personality. You can develop your personality by your intent and desire to do so. You must be ready to learn and ready to inculcate those habits ingrained in a great personality. It requires great commitment, hard work, dedication, sincerity and on top of it your attitude for helping others. Your commitment to your society, to your nation, to the people matters the most.

Mahatma Gandhi did not receive great treatment at the hands of Britishers. Yet he was instrumental in showing the door away from India. Your faith in the institutions, your sacrifice for the cause, to the motherland, to your country and for the overall benefit 0f others in every action of yours makes you a great person.

You don’t have to advertise or exhibit your personality. It is evident in your actions, in your behaviour, in your approach, in your habits, in your commitment, in your sacrifice, in your feelings, in your surroundings and so on. The kind of company you keep speaks volumes about your personality. Your attitude matters a lot. The sense of gratitude in you matters a lot. An attitude of gratitude is a great attitude.

Irrespective of circumstances, you can be a great person. Read the scriptures of great personalities. Inculcate good habits. Be honest and committed to the cause. As aptly described by our Hon’ble Prime Minister during one of his speeches, look at the glass half full of water and half full of air. With developed personality your outlook and perspective changes.

You start looking at situations and relations with a positive mindset. Confidence of an outstanding persona speaks for itself.

Take the case of Amitabh Bachchan. An outstanding personality with no parallel. See his confidence, mannerism, behaviour, etiquettes, and all. Everyone can be Amitabh Bachchan irrespective of any situation.

So, develop your personality by all means. Become an evolved human being. God bless you.

If you would like more information on Personality Development Course, please contact: Dr. Naresh Chand Goyal (Ex-Bureaucrat) or email: contact@academyofskillsdevelopment.org link: https://academyofskillsdevelopment.org/contactus/

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